Saturday, April 7, 2018

Reverse Polarity Protection

VGS (th), Gate Source threshold voltage = -2.0 V
Zener Voltage = 10 V, Q1-VGS max = +/- 20V 
Zener diode, D3 will protect the gate from excessive voltages/ unwanted spikes

By referring the Gate signal to the ground line, the device is fully turned on when the battery is applied in the right polarity. For the first start-up, the intrinsic body diode of the MOSFET will conduct, until the channel is switched on in parallel. The Zener diode will clamp the Gate of the MOSFET to its Zener voltage and protect it against overvoltage. By reverse polarity, the MOSFET will be switched off, because the Gate Source voltage for this case will be positive (voltage drop over the Zener diode). 

Designing Thermal Vias

Enhancing thermal transfer for FR-4 PCBs can be achieved cost-effectively by incorporating thermal vias and plated through-holes (PTH) betwe...