Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Depanelization Tab Routing

Board assemblies can be de-tabbed using perforated breakaway tabs, v-grooves breakaway tabs, or hand-cutting with a de-tabbing tool. For Tab and V-Score (i.e. PCBs that must be sheared along an edge):

1. Traces and via should be a minimum distance of 0.050"(1.27 mm) from the routed/scored edge.
2. Components should be a minimum of 0.100"(2.54 mm) away from routed/scored edge.

The rules are set to prevent components or board damage during the depanelization process and prevent flooding during the wave soldering process.

For 0.062" (1.6 mm thickness) Printed Circuit Boards:

1. Perforation holes should be typically spaced at 1 mm intervals.
2. Tab routed with a 1 mm radius.
3. Routed slot should be 2 mm minimum, for single image panels. Use 3 mm routed slots when two or more boards are in a panel. This allows for more accurate edge dimensions.
4. 75 mm typical distance between tabs, not to exceed 100 mm.
5. Place tabs approximately 25 mm from corners to reduce sagging during reflow or wave soldering.
6. Desirable to have at least one tab per side.
7. A slight inset of perforation is preferred; it provides an edge that requires little or no additional labor to clean up.

NOTE: Two parallel edges are required for a PCB to be processed in the SMT line. This is to prevent skewing through the conveyor system. All odd-shaped PCBs MUST have edge rails incorporated to meet this requirement. Custom reflow fixtures will be made if this requirement is not met.

Designing Thermal Vias

Enhancing thermal transfer for FR-4 PCBs can be achieved cost-effectively by incorporating thermal vias and plated through-holes (PTH) betwe...