To predict the lifetime of a product, manufacturers usually conduct accelerated temperature & Humidity tests. We usually conduct the accelerated test under conditions that are much more severe than the actual operating conditions and record test hours, and time-to-failure. Then we estimate/ calculate the product lifespan using Peck's Power Law.
In the below example, the estimated lifetime of the product under test is 12 months if it survives for 96 hours at 80 °C with 90% RH. Assuming the product's normal upper operating limit of 40 °C and 50% RH, we have got acceleration factor of 92.48.
Designing Thermal Vias
Enhancing thermal transfer for FR-4 PCBs can be achieved cost-effectively by incorporating thermal vias and plated through-holes (PTH) betwe...

This EMI filter includes a common-mode filter and a differential-mode filter. Generally Differential mode filter filters noise less than 3...
A voltage divider resistor network could be used for stepping the monitored voltage down to the range necessary for A/D conversion. A pass...